colorado or bust! | Madison, AL Photographer
in november, brad and i took a trip to denver and colorado springs to visit his brother, taylor! taylor had just gotten back from serving a year in kuwait (he's in the army). this was my first trip to colorado and it didn't take long to realize why everyone loves it there. it is gorgeous.
taylor took us to garden of the gods in colorado springs. it is a public park full of incredible, enormous red rock formations...
that evening we went to the beautiful broadmoor and had an excellent dinner followed by drinks and sing-a-longs at the golden bee.
taylor lives in colorado springs and has an amazing view of the city from his back snapshots don't do it justice, but you get the idea!
the next day, brad and i took a train to the top of pike's peak. i highly recommend taking the train, the tour guide was excellent and the views on the way up were beautiful. it was remarkably cold at pike's peak. i really thought i was going to lose my fingers after spending a couple minutes too long outside recording a video of the view!
our trip was entirely too short but i'm so glad taylor lives in such a beautiful place so we can come visit again soon!